Frequently Asked Questions
Did Grundy County receive this grant because Dresden Station is closing?
Dresden Station is not closing and has not announced a closure or decommissioning date. The Grundy Economic Development Council and the Grundy County Chamber applied for this grant so we can help diversify our local economy. Dresden Station contributes more than $24 million in property taxes supporting our local schools and other public services; and it employs about 800 local workers with an annual payroll of about $74 million. By researching, planning and developing a plan to attract more diverse industries to Grundy County, we can help make up for the potential loss of jobs and financial support if Dresden Station should ever close. We are simply doing our due diligence to create the strongest local economy in Grundy County possible.
Does the $600,000 have to be paid back?
It does not. This is a $420,000 grant from the U.S. Economic Development Administration for nuclear communities with a $120,000 match from Grundy County.
What happens after the 24-month project period?
By the end of this project we should have a strategic plan in place giving us a roadmap of opportunities and action we can take to start diversifying our local economy. The hope is to continue this momentum by working to attract impactful new business here. This might include developing infrastructure, marketing plans and other steps to bring in these new businesses and industry. Our goal would be to execute these steps.
How can I help?
Through the 24-month process of the Grundy Resiliency Project there will be times that we need public engagement and feedback. Please check back to this site and pay attention to announcements through local media for ways you can contribute.