

News Briefs

Town Halls being held for community input on Grundy’s economy

July 10, 2024
MORRIS – The Grundy Chamber and the GEDC are inviting the public to attend a town hall event to share their thoughts and visions for the future of Grundy County....
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Survey input requested from local residents and businesses

July 9, 2024
MORRIS – As Grundy County works to plan for a more diverse economy, it is imperative to hear from those who live and work here on what they envision and...
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GEDC and Grundy Chamber retain TIP Strategies for Economic Resiliency and Diversification Plan

April 30, 2024
MORRIS – The action-plan phase of the Resilient Grundy Project has begun with the awarding of diversification plan work to TIP Strategies of Austin and Seattle...
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Constellation seeks license to operate Dresden Clean Energy Center for an additional 20 years.

April 17, 2024
Extending the life of this nuclear plant in northern Illinois will generate reliable, carbon-free electricity to help clean-up dirtier industries and power the growing data economy....
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GEDC and Chamber begin next step of Economic Resiliency and Diversification Plan

January 22, 2024
The Grundy Resiliency Project is taking proposals for the second part of the project – the Grundy County Economic Diversification and Resiliency Plan....
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Press Release

October 30, 2023
MORRIS – The Grundy Resiliency Project has completed an economic overview that will now be used as a tool to construct a roadmap to build a more diverse economy for...
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GEDC and Grundy Chamber Move Forward with County Wide Economic Resiliency and Diversification Plan

July 24, 2023
The Grundy Resiliency Project has taken its first major step toward building a more diverse economy for Grundy by awarding its economic overview to the University of Michigan Economic Growth...
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Illinois energy bill deal to include Exelon nuclear plants

June 1, 2021
Governor Pritzker and the Illinois General Assembly have reached a tentative agreement with Exelon to keep Dresden, Byron, and the Braidwood plants open for at least the next five years....
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Legislation preserves nuclear fleet to set Illinois on path to carbon-free economy

March 30, 2021
Senator Rezin, along with other legislators, unveiled legislation yesterday regarding clean energy and preserving the state’s nuclear fleet. The bill would build a 100 percent clean energy economy in Illinois...
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“Built to Last” – Importance of Nuclear Power

March 8, 2021
A great program about the importance of nuclear power provided by Dresden and Byron stations and included comments by Grundy County community leaders....
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Illinois Legislature must move quickly to keep electric bills low and promote green energy

December 28, 2020
The failure of national energy markets to support clean energy soon will force the premature retirement of two of the state’s zero-carbon nuclear plants, putting thousands of people out of...
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Communities Surrounding Closed Nuclear Power Plants Face Terrible Challenges Moving Forward

October 25, 2020
Last week the Nuclear Decommissioning Collaborative released their report investigating the socioeconomic impacts of nuclear power plant closures on surrounding host communities across the nation....
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Submission Instructions

Virtual Overview of Grundy County’s Economy

YouTube video

Virtual Overview of Grundy County’s Economy

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Economic Analysis

Comprehensive Economic Overview.The Executive Summary Of The Executive Summary Of The Executive Summary Of The Executive Summary Of The Executive Summary Of The Executive Summary Of The Executive Summary Of The Executive.The Executive Summary Of The Executive Summary Of The Executive Summary Of The Executive Summary Of The Executive Summary Of The Executive Summary Of The Executive Summary Of The Executive.

Comprehensive Economic Overview (Grundy County | 2023)

Date: October 16, 2023